The satin gold Satellite S55-B5155 15.6" Notebook Computer from Toshiba contains a powerful processor and discrete graphics, despite being less than 1" thin. The S55-B5155 is powered by a 5th Generation (Broadwell) 2.7 GHz Intel Core i7-5500U Dual-Core processor, allowing multiple applications to be run simultaneously. If you need more power, the CPU can be overclocked to 3.0 GHz and the system's 8GB of 1600 MHz DDR3L RAM allows the computer to quickly access frequently-used files and programs. The 15.6" LED-backlit display on the S55-B5155 is equipped with a native resolution of 1366 x 768, which offers native support for 720p content. It also features a 16:9 aspect ratio and is powered by an AMD Radeon R7 M260 graphics card with 2GB of DDR3 RAM and 32 GB/s of memory bandwidth. It is designed to deliver a sharp, clear picture and you'll also be able to output video to an external display via the built-in HDMI port, which also supports 4K Ultra HD output.
Toshiba Satellite S55-B5155 15.6" LED